Are you dissatisfied with today's success? It is the harvest from yesterday's sowing.
Do you dream of a golden morrow? You will reap what you are sowing today.
We get out of life just what we put into it.
Nature takes no our moods: she laughs with those who laugh and weeps with those whe weep.
If we rejoice and are glad the very birds sing more sweetly, the woods and streams murmur our song.
But if we are sad and sorrowful, a sudden gloom falls upon Nature's face; the sun shines, but not in our hearts, the birds sing, but not to us.
The future will be just what make it. Our purpose will give it its character. One's resolution is one's prophecy.
Leave all your discouraging pessimism behind. Do not prophesy evil, but good.
Men of hope come to the front.
你對今日的成功滿意嗎? 它是昨日所播種的收獲, 你夢想一個金色燦爛的明天嗎? 你將收割今天你所播種下的作物
我們從生命中所得到的, 也正是我們所存入的
大自然會顯示出我們的心情, 她隨著那些發笑的人而笑, 也隨著那些哭泣的人而哭。
如果我們歡喜又高興, 甚至小鳥也歌唱得格外悅耳動聽, 森林和小溪也喃喃低吟我們的歌
倘若我們是憂愁和悲痛, 大自然的面貌便突然呈現出憂鬱和悲痛, 大自然的面貌便突然呈現出憂鬱; 陽光便不再照射在我們的內心;小鳥也不再為我們歌唱
未來的成敗, 就要看我們有什麼樣的作為, 我們的意向將賦予它以特質, 一個人的決心就是他的預言。
把你沮喪的悲觀拋諸腦後吧! 除了美好, 不要預言不幸, 懷抱著希望的人都會出人頭地。